Thursday, January 5

Back to school, 2006!

5th of January, 2006 - Finally! I get to write in this blog!! Well, this is my last year of being a primary & my first major exam, UPSR. So, first day, our principals gave us the usual "UPSR pep talk".

First Day
It was a Tuesday so our schedule was abit mixed up. I didn't really make a good impression on my BM teacher bcoz I came 5 or 10 minutes late!! On the first day!! Typical me... Everyone else was seated & there was 2 empty spots. One beside Ramanathan, the other beside Shu Anne. Obviously, I took the one next to Shu Anne. I whispered to her, "Oh god, how late am I??"
"5 minutes!"
The teacher was staring at me & I was like, 'Act cool, Aishah. Low profile.'
Imagine that... The infamous Aishah Nadirah, big time comedian (hee hee), late-comer & total klutz keeping a low profile. And lets predict what happened shall we?
I sat down & when I pushed my chair back, it gave a loud 'THUNK' sound. I looked behind & just my luck, guess who was behind me?

No, not Philip.

No, not Daniel Lim Zhing.

Yes, Brian Cheng.

Of ALL people. of ALL people. Why HIM???????
He was like, "What??" Typical boys. That's their innocent act. "What??"
I caught up with the others who already labeled their books & passed it up to the strict/serious looking teacher. I breathed in & out. Then, we went up for our annual 'Welcome-back-students!' assembly.

Yea, that's when they gave the "Your aim is 5 As" sentences over & over. Keep repeating that...
After that, our class teacher, Puan Hamidah said it was a free period for the day & I talked to the people behind me (Ashleigh & whats-his-name) & Ga Loh (I think that's his name) who sat beside me. Sadly, Puan Hamidah changed Shu Anne's place next to Roy in the front seat. They both aren't exactly "best buddies".
We went to break & I saw the tiny little reception kids running all over the place. I LITRELALLY tripped over one of them bcoz this cute reception girl was kneeling down to tie her shoelaces.

Went back to the oh-so air conditioned classroom of ours & had Maths.Our teacher, Mrs Wee (I think that's how you spell her name) is abit fussy over neatness which is really not my middle-name.
After one WHOLE hour (which seemed like 2 hours), we had another free period.

Lunch time & I was almost getting the hang of not tripping over little tots!

We had Art but as you know, it's our first day & our teacher, Enc. Mahzuki gave us the usual "UPSR pep talk". One hour passed & hello, Puan Hamidah! It was KT period so that's our last period on Tuesday. It's really boring!!

Second day of school
I came 5 minutes late again. Argh! It's not my fault. The horrid traffic infront at the link bridge is terrible bcoz of the newbies blocking the way so it's the traffic's fault but not like the teachers will believe that! It was raining so there was no games! Haha! But we didn't change bcoz we had Gym/Dance after break. Our games period was taken over by Maths & a LONG hour was used by the "neatness-correction-&-do-your-working-neatly" technique. Then, strict BM teacher came in & we did subjective on our BM. I've got to admit, I'm totally weak in this subject!! So I'm gonna work supremely harder!

Break: I have conquered the power of not tripping over small kids!! I wanted to go to this clean table & this kid with a fancy-schmancy watch was infront of me.
'Hold on.... that watch....'
I knew that was Philip's brother & Philip was coming at the brother's direction. Luckily I am not THAT blur. I slid past the pole & manage to survive to go to the clean table!

It was Computer & I was late. I ran/climbed up the stairs (computer room way up the top) & saw my line. I climbed up that staircase & put my shoes on the shoe rack. Mr Lawrence's "UPSR pep talk" really made me study hard. He said that each year, he sees the standard 6 crying bcoz they didn't get 5 As but only 4 or 3 or 2 or 1 A(s). After computer, I forgot where were my shoes & I jsut took one that I THOUGHT was MINE. We went downstairs, waiting outside the hall bcoz it was Dance. The Terras were still in there so we waited outside. Alex saw the ones I thought were my shoes & said that was hers so we swapped shoes. Suddenly, Ms Tall Shandel came running in her socks & said I was wearing her shoes!
I was so shocked. I mean, do you know how tall she is?? She's like, tallest in the whole standard! & I could fit her shoes. Well, my observation, tall people normally have big feet (no offense). I climbed up the stairs & wore my real shoes. Finally, Terras went out & Aquas went in.
We did this really fun thing! We were divided into 3 groups. One person from each group must go out of the hall & Ms Judy picked the so not expected leader from each group. Annamalai was the leader for group A, Daniel Chan was the leader for group B & guess who's leader of my group?

Not Aminah

Not Ashleigh

Sad, it's me.

& the group's dance wasn't that... um.... "perfect"... So the people standing outside of the hall had to guess who were the leaders of the gruop analyzing the dances. Fat chance people chose me (hahahaha)...

Lunch: why do boys stare at me??? I picked my own table & somehow, it was near Brian's, apparently Philip & Daniel was sitting there too. Alyssa was staring at someone & I was like 'what is she staring at? A crush maybe?' so I asked her "what are you looking at?"
"He's staring at me!"
"Who? A new crush?"
She glared at me then she pointed behind me. I was so curious!! Sabrina sat beside Alyssa & looked too & said, "Ya lah!"
"What???" I asked.
Then I too sat beside Sabrina & looked.
'Cheh! Mr Lawrence! Hahahahaha!'
I accidentally looked to the right as I wanted to face Alyssa & tease her & bingo, I saw Brian, Philip & Daniel. Well, they didn't noticed I was looking at them & Daniel then noticed & he informed Brian & Philip that I was looking & all those boys suddenly were STARING at me! Why in the world would they do that??

Ok, Science was up & thank god, I arrived up just in time bcoz Ms Christine scolded the last person who came in the class, Ezran. We were really scared of her. You know, teachers give you that strange feeling to fear her.. I dunno why.
But overall, she's pretty nice & funny. She gave us alot of assignments though...

3rd day of school (today)
I came early (8:50 is early for me, for your information! I walked down that hill near the mosque & it was worth it bcoz it saved me 10 minutes of lateness!! Hahaha, & in your face, Brian bcoz I came earlier!! It was Science first period that's why I was rushing my parents (muahahaha!)! She gave us more assignments though...
After that was Instrument (Guitar for me & Shu Anne. We're the only girls in the standard who plays guitar. Wicked), but it was a free period. You know, this Mr Koh (guitar teacher) broke one of my guitar strings! Haha, just kidding, it broke by itself (that's what he says.... suspicious...).

Break : Why do I end up glimpsing at whats-his-name????

After that was BM & we had to do really tough tatabahasa. I'm so pathetic in these things.... Then, Mrs Wee took over & we had more, more work to do & more, more fussing over neatness.

Lunch : Still end up looking at whats-his-name. Worse! He, Philip & Daniel Lim Zhing were sitting down on this bench, having absolutely nothing to do (12 year old boys, nothing to do... It is possible to believe that fact) & were staring in space I guess. That or Brian accidentally was staring at me, along with his two buddies. Why?? It makes me so... so... self-conscious!!

Finally! English! My first ever English class over the past 3 days. & Ms choong!! Woo hoo!! Yea, we did some work & all.... We were learning Nouns & Brian was so sick-o. I am not going to tell u bcoz it is way sick so I'm just going to IM it to u ppl who I know.
Agama was last period so we had to pack uor bags & move to terra. thank you, i got to sit next to elina. boo! I'm sitting in Aidin's place. Why do I end up at his place??
I've been duped!!

Well, that's all!!

I worked 4 hours for this!

I really hope u drop a comment

Wow, I'm tired.

I'm hungry too.

Write in ya later oh & i can't go online alot coz of the UPSR pep talk... hehe


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