Tuesday, June 12

Day 1

Well, turns out, being in a production does have its perks - [cough] mainly going to Cheras instead of sitting in a classroom =P

Anywayz, I arrived. Didn't know what to do, totally clueless & felt out of it, wearing sports attire instead of uniform.
Then was Assembly. Alalalala, fast forward.


We were lining up to the inside of the bus. I sat next to Alyssa & in awkward silence.
I mean, I know that I'm a very boring person, let alone a very interesting conversationalist.

But we played hangman & she doodled on my doodles.


At the canteen, following everyone & eating my food (yup, I brought my lunch bag with me. Hehe).
Finally went to the vocal studio - which is surprisingly small in Cheras standards. I mean, c'mon. They have a campus cafe! - & practised mostly What is this feeling?.

Ms Ann was really annoyed with us altos bcoz we were seriously clueless - I blame the sops =.=
So she asked me to sing alone with the sopranos - scary.

Then, she asked Mithrra (spelled it right?) join.
Then, Farah.
Lastly, Amanda.

& boom! It sounded so... Wicked.

Lunch : Well, I ate with Brandon, Guy P, Zara, Joanna, Laura...
Mak Minni wasn't there bcoz of dance. Haizz.

So I ate. & then got annoyed when Guy P stole my food & started criticizing about my lunch bag.

(He's really obviously envious of my beautiful lunch bag!)

There were so many guys after joining the Cheras! Way more tenors & new guys, like Dani (or something like that lehh), Edward (=.=) & VK.
Oh yea, & Jason.

Speaking of which, that guy was so funny. When he bumped into Philip & went all, "Oh... Philip, right? How are you?"
Then Philip, evil quiet one which he always is, raised an eyebrow & went all, "I'm fine..."

Then some Cheras girl looked at him & said, "Oh! Your name is Philip? I only remember you as Berbakat."

Hahahahaha =P he choked on water at that time, if I recall.


We were lining up to the bus going back home. THIS is the interesting part.

I sat down & guess who was standing there?

Yup. Him =.=" I dunno why he couldn't sit down somewhere else if he was so fast as he claimed himself to be.
I mean, seriously.

Then Iwawan & some form 2 dude & (oh God, I dunno how to spell her name... I really am pathetic =.=") the girl who plays Elphaba - I am not sounding standoff-ish on purpose, I swear! - sat around us.

It was hilarious the whole way round. Iwawan was trying to bug Elphaba (I'm sorry!!!) bcoz she was so sleepy. So that form 2 dude & Iwawan were asking her whether she knew these random celebrities.

Then, they were running out of questions so they decided to fake it & ask everyone in the bus.

So Iwawan was like, "Do you know Philip Ooi?"
& she went "Ngh."
& then, Form 2 Dude looked at me & said, "Do you know Aishah... Er, something?"

Glare. Glare. Glare. Glare. =.="" Geesh

Then she went, "Aishah something?"
Then they skipped & asked, "Do you know Amanda Khoo?"
& then she went, "Uh, no."

Then Iwawan stood up & asked the Amanda behind them, "You're Amanda Khoo, right?"
& she was like, "No!"

It was hilarious! Then Elphaba started yelling at him & I was trying really hard not to burst out laughing.

... So, yea. That's all the details I can remember right now. My brain's mushed, my wrists are hurting...


Har =P

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